Monday, September 24, 2012

Plan to Victory for Representative Francisco Canseco


Based on the 2010 numbers; Representative Canseco must win Bexar County. The state of Presidential Politics at the present dictates that it is imperative that he energize his base in the entire district, however Bexar County holds a large percentage of the total voters in District 23. Rep. Canseco needs to get out among the people and demonstrate that he is willing to take a firm and bold stand. He needs to say what he means and mean what he says, and never waffle.  The main stream media is attempting to convince America that the presidential race is over. Rep. Conseco needs to campaign in Bexar County and get the voters to turn out. The message needs to be: "The race is not over and America can save herself from the current destructive course, but it requires you (the voter) to do your part. VOTE! VOTE! VOTE!"  Rep. Canseco must get the 52,000 votes from Bexar  County that he got in 2010 if he hopes to pull a win in 2012.