In this campaign ad Governor Lynch of New Hampshire making the case that Barack Obama has the leadership qualities to be reelected. The quality that the Governor is focusing on is the leadership quality of " cares about people." The framing of this video is well done. First it shows the Governor in front of a large crowd of supporters, then just as he says that the President cares about people the video cuts to a view of the President is bent over talking to an elderly woman sitting in a wheelchair. The next scene is The President sitting at a round table talking with a group of older white people. In this scene all the faces that can be seen are smiling, it appears that this conversation is taking place in a diner or coffee house of some sort. Then it cuts to the President sitting at a table next to a young black female across from two more females of unknown ethnicity, in a setting that we are made to believe is an educational in nature. This is evidenced by the astronomy, geography and geometry books sitting on the table. In this scene the Governor is mentioning "opportunity for all of our people" As the video cuts to a view of the President shaking hands with people behind a line of hay bails. The people in the crowd are made up of people of all colors and ages. A short cut back to the Governor then on to a picture of the President standing in front of an Ice Cream shack that appears to be old in a small town and he is talking to a family of four. the children are flanked by the father on the far left and the mother in the foreground. The next scene shows the President in a factory with a worker which transitions to a group of hard hat wearing union workers as the Governor talks about workers and growing the economy. (on a side note I find that funny since unions are putting companies out of business and driving others to the brink of bankruptcy) Then next scene with the President shows him hugging that guy that caused two or three days of news because this shop owner claims to be of the conservative persuasion. The final scene of the video shows the President in a room full of soldiers, impling that the Presdent is capable of the leadership neccessary to lead and command the power of the United States Military. The framing of this video shows the president socializing with old people, young people, black people, white people, working class people, small town people and soldiers. Interestingly enough there is not one rich person prtrayed in this ad. The implication is that only Romney is "for" the rich.
Campaign 2012
This blog site is part of a class at UTSA studying the Campaign of 2012. As such the opinions and statements found here are not the opinions of the University of Texas at San Antonio, the Honors College or the Department of Political Science. The postings here are designed to help students understand the issues, forces, and theories at work in the campaigns. Many issues today may be controversial but all who post here are required to engaged in a civil discussion that fosters learning.
Monday, December 10, 2012
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
A Wolf In Sheep's Clothing
A wolf has infiltrated our flock. The whole world can see it why can't we? China has offered Washington similar criticism which has apparently fallen on deaf ears.So what is the issue here? Why aren't the sheepdogs doing anything about the wolf? The sheepdogs can smell him they know he is there, but the sheepdogs are being deceived by their eyes and betrayed by their training. Even though those who are charged with protecting America know that there is a wolf among us they can't see him for he looks like a sheep and even if they know that he is there right in front of them they are trained to protect the sheep and anything that looks like a sheep. The sheep are complacent and they don't care that there is a wolf leading them down a path that is destined for hardship and failure. So long as the sheep keep getting their welfare, food stamps, Health care, Obama Phones ect., they couldn't care less where the path takes them. Some have attempted to out the wolf but the "shepard" (Main Stream Media) has protected the wolf. There will be much pain and suffering before the wolf can be outted and disposed of hang in there the sheepdogs will eventually get the wolf and with hard work and sacrifice America will live on.
May God Bless the United States of America!!!
Putin: Obama “Idiot” For Adopting Socialism
Posted on 02/23/2009 by papundits
MOSCOW (SR) – Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has warned the Obama administration against adopting further socialism, saying Russian history clearly proves it is a recipe for failure.
“Any fourth grade history student knows socialism has failed in every country, at every time in history,” said Putin. “President Obama and his fellow Democrats are either idiots or deliberately trying to destroy their own economy.”
Economists say Putin’s comments serve to illustrate how worldwide markets have made even economic adversaries dependent on each other’s financial stability.
An Obama spokesman dismissed Putin’s claim, saying, “We’re going to do socialism better.”

“Any fourth grade history student knows socialism has failed in every country, at every time in history,” said Putin. “President Obama and his fellow Democrats are either idiots or deliberately trying to destroy their own economy.”
Economists say Putin’s comments serve to illustrate how worldwide markets have made even economic adversaries dependent on each other’s financial stability.
An Obama spokesman dismissed Putin’s claim, saying, “We’re going to do socialism better.”
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Who is going to win
the 2012 Presidential Election?
This race has been too close to call since the conventions.
The polls have been showing President Obama with huge leads in key states. The
problem that I have with the polls is that they have consistently been over
sampling democrats. The information that the pollsters were using was based on
the 2008 turnout. In 2010 there was a huge Tea party revolution. The Tea party
has been fairly silent for the past two years and the powers that be have basically
written them off as insignificant. Dismissing the Tea party I believe is a
gigantic mistake. The Tea party is alive and well nobody hears much from them
because they have jobs and families to take care of they don’t have time or
resources to “occupy” anything. The Chick-Fil-A support that was shown earlier
this year is evidence that the silent majority is paying attention and will
turnout when it is time to do so. I sincerely hope for my kid’s sake that
Romney wins. If President Obama is to be re-elected I understand why. The
president used his money to run ad campaigns during the summer while Romney was
basically silent. Not only did he attack Romney but he used his money to tout the
Message of “Forward.” This is a great
message (for the ignorant) it has been used by socialist organizations for
decades to bring the masses to their cause. If the leadership promises to “take
from the rich to give to the poor” the lazy and the uninformed will choose that
candidate. Benjamin Franklin said: "When the people find they can vote
themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic." Class warfare
is exactly the message that Barack Obama is using for his re-election. The
Media has utterly failed to vet President Obama with the same critical eye that
they have used on all of the Republican candidates. We have been told that
Romney was a bully once when he was a teenager, yet we have seen nothing on
Obama’s past. There was the whole question of his birth certificate, which
could be a legitimate argument, but I will let that one stand. What about his
own admission of drug use in college, has anyone mentioned that? The media was
all over Bush for his drug use. Who did he associate with in college? The Media
is running interference for the Democratic Party and Barack Obama in
particular. The media is supposed to be an unbiased critic of the government,
but we know that is not the case. I
believe that we have reached a turning point in the life of our civilization,
and it may be that we have reached the point of no return. I do not consider
the Republicans harmless in the damage that has been done to this country. I
don’t even think that Mitt Romney is the best choice for President, but I do
feel that Romney is a better choice than Obama. Elect Romney and hold his feet
to the fire force him to do what he has promised. Obama failed to deliver on
most of what he openly promised, and did a bunch of things that he said he
would do but very few noticed. The memory of the American public is very short.
The President promised a transparent government and an end to the divisiveness
of the past. All he has delivered is the most secretive, divisive and
incompetent government that this country has ever seen. If Obama is re-elected
this county deserves exactly what it gets. I just hope that we can get past the
violence before my children have to deal with it.
Sunday, October 28, 2012
So, the truth about what was actually going on in Bengazi is starting to come out.
I have been hearing for many years that the elections are not actually fair and open. There have been concerns over the use of electric voting machines, hangchads and the like. Some have said that the elections are decided not by the voters or the electoral college, but by forces that are "behind the scenes," and that the elections are an "illusion." I used to be skeptical, but as i pay attention and see the things that are going on the "Illusion" of free, open, and honest elections now has weight with me. Here is just some of the evidence:
Here a predictive model that has been accurate for the past 30 years.
Monday, September 24, 2012
Plan to Victory for Representative
Francisco Canseco
Based on the 2010 numbers;
Representative Canseco must win Bexar County. The state of Presidential
Politics at the present dictates that it is imperative that he energize his
base in the entire district, however Bexar County holds a large percentage of the
total voters in District 23. Rep. Canseco needs to get out among the people and
demonstrate that he is willing to take a firm and bold stand. He needs to say
what he means and mean what he says, and never waffle. The main stream media is attempting to convince
America that the presidential race is over. Rep. Conseco needs to campaign in
Bexar County and get the voters to turn out. The message needs to be: "The race
is not over and America can save herself from the current destructive course,
but it requires you (the voter) to do your part. VOTE! VOTE! VOTE!" Rep. Canseco must get the 52,000 votes from
Bexar County that he got in 2010 if he
hopes to pull a win in 2012.
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